Smile more: Simple habits for more happiness

If you are looking for ways to boost your happiness, there’s reason to smile.

Research shows simple habits can help you improve your mental and physical health, energy levels and even reduce pain.

Daily mindfulness

Being mindful involves focusing your thoughts on the present moment. Taking a few short breaks each day to practice mindfulness can lower stress and make you feel happier.

“Mindfulness can be as simple as going for a walk. Try to breathe slowly and pay attention to your five senses – for example, notice the sun on your face or the sound of your feet on the pavement. Being aware of the present moment is a great way to check-in with how you’re feeling,” says Tracy Mullen Primary Care Network Health Management Nurse.

Focus on the positives

Happiness research looks at 10 positive emotions – joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love. Studies show we need more positive emotions to balance negatives.

“Doing positive activities, like volunteering or spending time with friends and family, can help us tip the emotional scale from negative to positive and make us feel happier,” says Mullen.

Get moving

Being physically active can improve your mood, energy levels and overall well-being. Try to make time every day for movement you enjoy. Activities like gardening, yoga, or taking a short walk are great ways to be active.

Learn happiness habits

Alberta Primary Care Networks offer a free Happiness Basics workshop where you can learn strategies to be happier. Sign up to attend online or in-person at You can also talk to your family doctor about your mental health.

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